Friday 15 February 2013

Day 1: Pizza & Pints

Our journey to Berlin started with a 00:00am alarm, followed by a 3 hour coach from Nottingham Trent University to Heathrow airport for a 7am flight.
I, along with 80 other Fashion Communication & Promotion students, was to be spending a week in Berlin for Fashion Week. We were sneaking our way into trade shows, absorbing the culture and gathering inspiration for upcoming projects.

After arriving at the airport around lunchtime, travelling to the Hotel Transit Loft and eventually getting settled into our dorm rooms of 6, the only option for the afternoon was sleep.

5 hours later we emerged, hungry and ready to explore the surrounding areas of the hotel. After stopping for the world's cheapest Pizza (5 euros for a large!) and a couple of Mojitos in a cute little Restaurant, we were on the hunt for more drinks. Drawn in by the offer of cheap drinks, we were greeted with enthusiasm, giant cocktails and the quick realisation that we were outnumbered. We were in a Gay bar. Having visited my fair share of Gay bars with friends back in my home town of Leeds, I was surprised by how un-gay the bar seemed in comparison, the only hint of homosexuality came from a few subtle rainbow flags and one lonesome disco ball!

Whilst sipping on pints of Long Island Ice Tea and the biggest and strongest Caipirinha's I've ever experienced, we made some German friends, clearly amused by the fact we were unaware we'd stumbled upon a Gay bar. After some free shots and making a friend on the way out, 'I like you, you're funny', we called it a night, ready to explore the City in the morning.

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